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Whanganui River Experience

Ki Tai Whanganui River Experience

The Whanganui River is iconic in the identity of the Whanganui Tribal Landscape extending as far north as Taumarunui, a true representation of the infamous saying ‘from the mountain to the sea.’ This provides the instant opportunity to weave together the stories that bind all of our regions together, identifying each region and it's significance. It is a passionate team of river guides together under the umbrella of ‘Ki Tai’ that deliver this important aspect of the program. We use the Whanganui River as our base however this template can be used on rivers nationwide. Under the guidance of trained, iwi breed, local river guides skilled in the arts and knowledge of Māori culture this experience is one of extreme value for all of our up and coming leaders of tomorrow.

Re-frame the perception of a classroom with a ‘Program Graduation Process’ that re-inforces the concept of Whanganuitanga.

Graduate students from the primary sector of eucation in to secondary education as an Iwi Graduate grounded on a strong basis of Whanganuitanga.

Whanganui River Educational Experience

All of our river trips and programs naturally integrate the concept of ‘whanaungatanga’ engaging all peoples in an environment set amongst the midst of nature. We use this environment to teach one another to trust each other, and through self-development among supportive guidance of peers, staff and our Ki Tai Team life changing experiences are only inevitable. We do this using our beautiful māori culture and tīkanga as a platform to create forums that initiate collaborative learning and team bonding.

This is brought in to the program starting with waka team building. All of our river vessels are 6 man Canadian canoes (modern waka) each with a local guide. With a trained river guide, the key to the maneuverability of each waka is the bonding of all crewmembers to work in sync with each other and through timing and communication allow the waka to glide smoothly through the water. This sets the initial platform for team-bonding relationships and communication.

Ensuring our māori culture and tīkanga continue to thrive, it is the delegation of different roles and responsibilities that these protocol are upheld. Within our naturist environment these elements are given life to fulfill the aspirations of our ancestors through karakia(prayer), waiata(song) and many other forms that set the plateau for our inspirations to engage audiences to the call of our song, our voice and our presence. It is this natural filtration of māori elements that inspire people to fully immerse themselves in our world with a sense of empowerment to follow their dreams